The Weaver Game (word ladder) is a fantastic wordle game in which you must guess the correct words while relaxing in the world of addictive challenges.
Weaver Online has the same goal as Wordle, but it has different options for how many games you can play per day and the ability to play infinite weaver online. We tried it and can attest that it is an extremely addictive game. Continue reading to learn everything there is to know about the weaver game. This Wordle variant is a simple puzzle that has become popular due to its ease of use and the fact that you must solve its challenge (the same for all players). If the user solves the word, they will be unable to play again until the following day. Because it is presented as an addictive challenge, we consider it a success.
Each word you enter can only differ by one letter from the word preceding it.
When you type your 5-letter word, it will tell you which letters exist in the searched word, and if they are in the correct position, they will turn green; if they exist but are not in the correct position, they will turn yellow. If it appears in either word, it is colored green (right letter, right spot) If it appears in either word, it is highlighted in yellow (right letter, wrong spot) if it does not appear in either word, it is grey.
Do not forget to try other inresting words game include Flagle and Phoodle