FlagleFlagle 2Flagle 3PhrazleGlobleWorldle


Phrazle is a difficult word game in which you are given some cards and phrases and your mission is to match them.


Phrazle is a brand-new, compelling, and difficult word game. It is available for play at any time, anywhere, with friends or family. To play, all that is required is concentration and quick thinking; no exceptional abilities are required. Only one player can see the correct words at the same time, while everyone else sees the identical board with letters in various colors.

Each participant is given their own unique board, which contains a blank grid of letters in various colors. The active player reads aloud the clue phrase (the one who currently has their turn). Then, participants compete to fill their grids with as many words as they can that contain every word from the clue "Phrazle" while staying within the established limits (e.g., minimum word length).

Players are given word and phrase cards that they must match using their deductive reasoning skills. Puzzle solvers must attempt to decipher the sentence while avoiding red herrings and ensuring they are not being misled by other players.

Phrazle is a word game in which you can't trust anyone and includes charades, codenames, and categories. Players take turns giving clues and attempting to confuse the opposing team with their phrasing. Can you decipher your teammate's hints? Or are you going to continue to be duped by them? Play this exciting new party game to find out right now!

WORD word crossword brains