Weddle Game is a great version of the popular Wordle game where you have to guess a word that has to do with an NFL player. This game will be fun for most NFL fans.
"Today's Challenge" and "Random Challenge" are two ways to play NFL Wordle. In the game Weedle, you get eight chances to guess the name of a famous NFL player. When compared to the first wordle, this one is harder.
The answer player must be a current fantasy player, so only wide receivers and running backs can be used. No QBs or TEs can exist.
In 8 guesses or less, you can figure out who the answer player is.
Here is where the position column can be found. Yellow Shows which side of the ball is the right side for defense, offense, or special teams.
The solution player is any player who is playing at the moment.
You can figure out who has the answer in ten guesses or less.
Any column can be found here. How to Make Green Matches
A picture of the division column is shown below. The right conference is yellow, but the wrong division is blue.
Yellow means that the player is within 2 inches, years, or numbers of the right height, weight, or age.