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Waffle Game

Waffle Game

Waffle Game is a brain teaser and your aim is to move the letters around to make the right words. As you complete the game's challenges, you'll earn stars and learn what each phrase means.

How to play Waffle Game

The first step for players is to rearrange the letters horizontally and vertically. You can move the letters around on the board by dragging them. If the letters are in the right places, their colors will change to show this. Below the table, there is a countdown that shows how many moves are left. In daily mode, players can't start a new game on Waffle once a day's worth of games have been played.


Each tile's color indicates its relationship to the final row of the grid.

The green letter exactly matches the final row.
The letter in yellow is located in the final row, but in a different column.
There is no grey letter in the final row.
Only the appropriate number of tiles will be colored for repeated letters, in order of exact matches, then from left to right.

WORD word logic brains waffe letters